Tuesday, September 29, 2015

POA & National Chapter Award Program - Ms. Jenna Genson

Jenna Genson: Education Specialist - Agriscience Fair/National Chapter

AEE 311 was so excited to talk with Jenna Genson on this rainy PSU morning. She has left us so much great knowledge on POA's and the National Chapter Award Program through he National FFA where she works.

If you would like to review the awesome PowerPoint that Ms. Genson showed in class please click on the link!

The Video Recording can be found here:

Contact Information:
Twitter: @JGenson
Email: jgenson@ffa.org
Phone: 317-802-4402

Reminders for class:
Speechy Musings: Grad school motivational poster!:  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Presenting POA: Ms. Stephanie Jolliff

As we engage and start digging into Program Of Activities, Ms. Stephanie Jolliff from Ridgemont High School in Ohio, sharesdher experience and best practices in AEE 311 today. There is more information to share then I can type and keep up with, but I captured 10 "Knowledge Nuggets" from her presentation:

1. Career prepare the students - set students up to be industry ready

2. You cannot criticize if you do not have a solution to the problem

3. Create a collaborative environment not competitive. Have students make suggestions for improvements and work together to make change happen

4. Huge advocate for incorporating business strategies into the foundation of learning and practice  Example: BRIDGE - Begin, Reflect, Identify, Design, Go, Evaluate

5. Not just service activities... make it s purposeful learning experience. Example: RAK - Random Acts fo Kindness

6. Let students create what they want to do, be a facilitator who asks questions

7. Listen to students to hear their needs

8. When inheriting a program, be respectful of the past traditions and history, get to know the community, and go to events!

9. Outcome bases - purposefully planning and thinking!

10. "Understand your god given gifts" - Everyone is a different person and has different strengths!

Chapter Officer Development Plan due next Tuesday, September 29 - Project Coach: Katie
Weekly Wonders are due each Friday at 5pm
Weekly dissertations are available on Mondays, from 12-1pm

Twitter Handle: @RidgemontFFA
Facebook: Ridgemont FFA Page
Pinterest: RidgemontFFA
Email: jolliff@ridgemont.k12.oh.us
Call/Text: 740-225-3955

Link to the meeting:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mind Map

How many times in a college course does your professor say,
"What goals do you want to set for today?"
AEE 311 students began class by working through a mind map. It was no small task! The students were broken up into two large groups and had to map out: theories and factors, professional teacher and program standards, 311 course topics and assignments, and the essential elements. How does it all tie together? After the students finished, they unpacked all the great work they had done and talked it out.
The second part of the class the students wanted to review examples of Officer Selection Plans and talk about why they are doing the assignment. During talking about officers: why not make up an officer position that fits your chapter? Like a social media specialist?
This is the National FFA resources for a chapter POA.
Here is the link to the google drive for AEE 311.
  • Please log in and complete your AET profile.
  • Begin your officer selection plan.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Farmers of America - Dr. Connie Baggett

Dr. Connie Baggett
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education
Member of the New Farmers of America (NFA)


Dr. Baggett shared his history and experience of the New Farmers of America. He started by sharing how below the Mason Dixon line was "separate but never equal". During high school he was apart of the merge between NFA and FFA. The NFA was a National organization of Negro farm boys studying vocational agriculture in the public school throughout the United States. All "cool kids" in high school wore their blue jackets and was apart of the NFA. Three fun facts from the day were:

1.  The advisor part of opening ceremonies were adopted from the NFA
2.  Dr. Baggett was apart of the NFA quartet and he shared his talents in class today
3. Active Membership Degrees and Privileges were called:
         Farm Hand
         Improved Farmer
         Modern Farmer
         Superior Farmer

1. Keep up with your AET journal entries each week
2. Read and start your Chapter Officer Development Plans, if you have not already
3. Don't forget about your weekly web wonders due every Friday by 5pm

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Creed Speaking

What's a Creed?

AEE 311 was joined by Ms. Becky Sellers, an Agricscience Educator at Southern Huntingdon County high school, and by Mikara Anderson, a state winning Creed Speaker!

Here is a very interesting video about the life of E.M. Tiffany, the author of the creed. He lived a very different life than what you may think.
Reminders for students:
  • Spend at least 10 minutes on AET.
  • Look ahead to the weekly web wonder.
  • Do your readings!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pennsylvania State Officers Come to Penn State

Today we had part of the Pennsylvania FFA officer team conduct a workshop during class on the essential parts of an officer team. 

2015-2016 Officer Team 

Mr. Mike Brammer
Pennsylvania Secretary Executive Secretary

Lily Guthrie
PA FFA Preisdent

Tyler Watkins
PA FFA Vice Preisdent

Luke Kerstetter
PA FFA Sentinel 

The state officers started off with Jeopardy which quizzed the class on FFA and chapter officer knowledge. This activity was followed by identifying positive attributes pertaining to FFA of each person and then writing them on their name cards that were previously created. 

So what are these 10 essential elements of an effective officer team?

1. Knowledge of the organization on the part of every member

2. A challenging program of activities

3. Diversity of membership

4. A workable constitution and bylaws

5. All members share responsibilities

6. Capable officers and leaders

7. Proper equipment and records

8. Well-planned, regularly-held local meetings

9. Adequate financing

10. School & Community Support

To conclude class, we opened the floor up to the class to ask the State Officers and Mr. Brammer any questions. 

A few reminders: 
- Log into AET and start inputting data and information
- Set-up interview with Dr. Foster and fill out student inventory (Assignment #1)
- Start looking ahead to Assignment #2 - Officer Development Plan

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

AET: September 1, 2015

AEE 311 had a great class this morning focusing on what AET is and how it can help maximize an agricultural program. We had the pleasure of connecting with Dr. Rodger Hanagriff from Texas A&M who has developed this record keeping system.

After a video chat there was some classroom discussion and unpacking of all the great knowledge Dr. Hanagriff shared with us. One student made the comment of having to use the old excel spreadsheet to keep records of her SAE project and how AET was so much better! We couldn't agree more and anyone that ever had to use the excel book would agree too!

If you want to check out more about how to use AET please click on the link and explore the website. If you would like to learn more about what a SAE project is please follow this link.