Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today in AEE 311: Reflection and Expansion

What happened today?
  • Reflection and unpacking: What happened on SAE day? What's the 3 most important things that happened on Tuesday?
    • Had a great time with kids! Preparation is definitely important.
    • Learning how to adapt and change your plan early.
    • Learning had by all! College and high school students.
    • How do you incorporate students with IEP's that may not be the most talkative?
    • "It's never too late to learn playground skills."
    • How do you develop energy? When you're excited and passionate, how do you get students passionate?
      • It takes a relationship to get students to open up!
    • Find what interests the students.
    • Never be afraid to learn as the teacher!
    • Kids don't know, what they don't know.

  • Digital Citizenship!!!! Don't put anything up you wouldn't show grandma :)

  • Talking with Mr. Gundlach! 40 year veteran teacher with tons of knowledge to share.
    • How do you balance it all?
    • How do you run a land lab, greenhouse and classroom?
    • How do you build your program?

  • Extensions are granted on an individual basis.
  • Pink Time: Make the most of it!!!
Speaker Recording:


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Let's teach SAE!

In class yesterday the AEE 311 students had the opportunity to, individually or within pairs, work with 9th grade high school students. The students visited from Juniata High School and Mifflin County High Schools and were on Penn State campus from 8am to 1pm.

The students started their day learning from the AEE 311 students about SAE. Each student came in with an interest or idea of something they wanted to do their SAE on. The AEE 311 students educated them on SAEs, helped each student layout an SAE plan, and answered any questions that remained about SAE or AET.

AEE 311 students working with the high school students

After class the students attended the annual College of Agricultural Sciences Career Fair. They were guided around career fair by AEE 311 students and were exposed to the potential careers in agriculture. To get to and from the career fair they rode the famous Penn State Trolley. The students then got a tour of Penn State's campus and Ag Hill from Janae Herr, 2015 Teach Ag! Avenger. Lastly they were fed lunch while Nate Repetz, 2015 Teach Ag! Avenger talked to the students about teaching agriculture as a career option. 

The day was an overall success and we look forward to partnering with these high schools in the future. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lets Learn S, SA, and SAE!

Joining us in class today is one of Penn Manor's Agriscience teachers, Mr. Neil Fellenbaum.

Mr Fellenbaum driving his "crew" to the Lampeter Fair

Mr. Fellenbaum is discussing the topic of Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE). In preparation for 19 ninth high school students attending our AEE311 class next Tuesday, Mr. Fellenbaum is going to guide the AEE311 class to be prepared. 

Goals of the class: 
1. Explore how to facilitate students internal excitement and inventory
2. How do we describe an SAE visit? 
3. What resources are there for us to utilize?
4. Connect career fair to majors at Penn State that student's SAE interests are formulated around 

Below I captured several comments, resources, and advice Mr. Fellenbaum shared during class:

- Start introducing SAE in introductory agriculture class
- Show to spark interest and expose the students to their options
- Once they are exposed, ask what students want to learn?
- SAE ID Card Set - all 7 pathways divided up (Dr. Foster has a set so check them out)
- Create and use an SAE Inventory/Planning Sheet (remember Mr. Fellenbuam's example?)

For more information: 
- Explore the AEE 311 Google Drive
- Email Mr. Neil Fellenbuam at
- Tweet at Mr. Neil Fellenbuam at @neilfell

Friday, October 9, 2015 October 6th


Objectives of the day:
  1. Discuss need for “being inclusive” in youth programs
  2. Define potential barriers to involvement in FFA/SAE
  3. Identify teacher strategies and resources for inclusion

Dr. Foster had the students put on sunglasses that had vaseline on the front of the lens. He then randomly asked students to read off the screen the well known story of "Who Moved the Cheese?" Through this learning experience some students gave up right away, some tried to move their glasses around to read, and others (sitting up front) focussed in and were able to read. The reactions/thoughts to the activity were:

- I gave up right away and didn't try
- I was annoyed
- I did not like how Dr. Foster kept saying "this is easy"
- I was able to see and it was easy... just not AS easy

We transitioned into watching this video which structured the rest of the class discussion:

Readers: What are your thoughts? How do you use inclusion in your classrooms or youth programs?

AEE 311 Students: Can you share with our readers what your thoughts and reactions were?

Class Reminders:
- Log into AET and post. The minimum is ONE entry per week
- Start planning for your next Pink Time
- Weekly Web Wonders are due every Friday at 5pm

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Inclusion 10/8/15


Some barriers of agriculture education:
  • "Aggie" label
  • After school programs/meetings - availability of students.
  • Parents in some ways.
  • "Have to be a farmer" mentality
  • Resources
  • Funding
  • Community Support

Now, how can you combat those barriers
as an agriculture educator?


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