Saturday, November 5, 2016

Foster Feedback - Responses to Lingering WBL questions

I reviewed the very creative stories with particular attention to the feedback and questions.

I appreciate your courage in being the "pioneers" of this learning activity. Your feedback has helped me ensure that it will be more successful in the future with some refinement and tweaking.

You had great questions that I wanted to respond to here. I strongly suggest you take time to review!

  1. If you "push" a child to do something you think they will be good at and they fail, are you/can you still give them positive influence? Will they see you that way?
    1. If you focus on the learning, are we failing if we are learning? Even if we are learning what not to do or what we do not enjoy!
  2. What could be done in the situation of a "bully" student? What could the advisor say to a student who might be turned away because of the attitude of another?
    1. This is a critical responsibility of a youth leader! You are responsible for ensuring a positive learning environment and a one-on-one conversation about positive expectations would need to occur with the accused bully and perhaps parents to see how we can help everyone be successful.
  3. Are degrees and proficiencies the best way to measure the success of a student's SAE?
    1. No, progress towards pre-developed learning outcomes is, but degrees and proficiency awards can assist us in benchmarks and formative assessment/feedback :)
  4. If not all SAE's fit an award category, does that mean any idea centered around work-based learning can be an SAE project?
    1. Any idea that advances a students learning and career exploration.
  5. How can work-based learning be applied in the classroom without SAE inclusion?
    1. learning is usually application of learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. Learn more here: 
  6. How do we help someone not in agriculture feel comfortable with SAE projects?
    1. Provide proper scaffolding of expectations and exploration opportunities! SAE is not just for those in agriculture, but also to help students discover agriculture!
  7. How can we provide students the necessary resources to grow their projects?
    1. I think it is critical do the visits to be AWARE of needs and opportunities and than be creative with engaging partner/community volunteers through alumni groups and advisory boards. Our guest Speaker, Mr. Josh Rusk, in a week can help with this!
  8. Why do we spend so much time on SAE when only one major assignment directly relates to SAE?
    1. Actually, Assignments 4, 6, 7 and 8 all relate to SAE equaling 35% of the final grade. SAE is a MAJOR critical component of successful youth development through agricultural education.
  9. Can a student have the opportunity to work in several different fields to test the ground and see what the different occupations are like?
    1. ABSOLUTELY!! (this is really a primary purpose of our work-based learning in ag (SAE), CAREER EXPLORATION)
  10. How long should an SAE be?
    1. As long as needed for a student achieve desired learning outcomes.
  11. How could you encourage other teachers (other subjects) to use WBL in their class? Examples of how WBL would look in a Math class?
    1. You know, this is a very, very tough question to answer. The key to WBL learning is application to careers in authentic settings.
  12. What is the 1st step in beginning successful work-based learning programs?
    1. I believe it involves two things:
      1. Clarity of Expectations - What are trying to accomplish...answering the WHY
      2. Accountability - Follow through with meeting expectations
  13. Does a failed project really mean you did not learn?
    1. Absolutely NOT, we learn so much when we learn what "does not work"!
  14. If a Student does not enjoy SAE (hates it) do you push them to continue?
    1. I think it is about making sure that a Student is focused on the WHY of SAE and helping them find that success. Who can hate doing something that helps yourself? If a Student "hates" SAE, maybe the teacher has not connected the WHY enough
  15. Is WBL only about the 3-circle model?
    1. Nope. WBL occurs in many disciplines
  16. Are there Career Technical Centers (or vocational schools) geared more towards agriculture?
    1. Sure! There are great CTCs focused on Vet Science or Horticulture. Here is one example: 
  17. How many projects can a student have at one time?
    1. As many as needed to accomplish desired learning outcomes.
  18. Do all SAEs have to be directly connected to lessons taught in the classroom?
    1. I decided to take this one to Facebook Peeps. See Answers Below.

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