Ticket Out responses for Session 1:
- What are we curious about?
- Effective ways of advising/starting an FFA Chapter.
- On Tuesday September 2nd, Doug Brown will be in to talk about advising a FFA chapter.
- Also on September 16, you will learn how to select and train quality chapter FFA officers.
- How can we apply what we will learn in 311 to other organizations/groups?
- Like Dr. Foster explained in class today, everything that we learn in AEE 311 can be used in any youth or adult organization. You will learn more about this as the semester continues.
- What is FFA all about?
- Tuesday, September 9th, you will learn all about FFA and what it has to offer each of you.
- How can I develop my own skills as a youth leadership leader?
- Through the semester and your time at Penn State you will have the chance to become part of a group. It is what you put into each activity that you do that will make you a better leader.
- My peers and their past experiences!
- Keep coming to class and interacting!!!!
- What are the fun projects and assignments that are required of us?
- All assignments are outlined in detail in the assignment handbook. If questions are still arising then take the time on Thursday during the bellwork to write them down. Dr. Foster is going to answer all questions during class. Also, you have a TA assigned to each assignment to help if any questions should arise at a different time.
- Learning how to develop youth outside of such a structured organization like FFA.
- Keep coming to class!
- CDE's, SAE planing and the POA
- These assisgnments are outlined in the assignment handbook. You may also contact your TA's or Dr. Foster. Also there is at least 2 class sections focused on each topic to give you a better understanding.
- How can experiential education happen in the classroom together, not only in SAE but in class as well?
- This class will help but AEE 412 will be the focused methods course.
- How do you motivate students who do not care about their grades or class and/or students who are disruptive
- By showing that you are excited/devoted to the topic will help get students involved. Find what makes the students want to learn and go from there. Each class and group of students is different.
- What did we learn today?
- There is a great instructional team to help us throughout the semester
- A way to integrate leadership skills into classes
- Foster likes (should say loves) Technology!
- Even know youth leadership is very important today, there are stills problems that need to be fixed
- What to expect from the class and the pace in which topics will be discussed
- Many important factors of Leaderships
- A new resource to use in my future classroom (The TA challenge sheets)
- Everyone has a different background !!!
- That group projects encourage learning by being thrown into a different environment that leaves a positive impact on others
- The same book is used for AEE 100 and AEE 413!!!!
- What do you want to learn more about?
- Different ways to go about completing assignments
- Each assignment is going to be explained during the class section that has to do with that assignment. The great thing for your class is you have TA's helping that have done these assignments so we will be able to give you insight when you come to us with questions. Just one word of advise, stay on top of getting your work done.
- FFA and other organizations that I can do to gain experience/knowledge outside of this class
- One great thing about being a Penn State students is you have the opportunity to become a part of many groups/clubs. Attending meetings and see how they are ran.
- CFFA and Teach AG are two great clubs that AEE/College of Ag Science has to offer. More details about these clubs will be announced in class.
- What materials do I need to bring to class each day?
- Bring a pencil, notepaper and your book to class every day. If technology is needed we will let you know the class before hand.
- Learn more about being a successful leader.
- Well, you are signed up for a great class then. We will discuss everything leadership and how to become better leaders. Keep coming to class!!
- How can I utilize my strengths more effectively in being a leader?
- This comes with practice. When in a group, be heard. Do not be afraid to try new things. See what works for the group.
- How to obtain resources that I could use in my classroom.
- Dr. Foster will always being using different resources throughout the semester. He will let you know where you can order them from.
- CDE planing
- The following class session is devoted to talking about CDE's and how to plan/couch students: October 14th. You will also explore ways of planning CDE's when working on your assignment.
- Getting students interested in SAE's
- The following class sessions are devoted to talking about SAE's: October 16, October 21, and October 23
- Are SAE's all online now?
- Yes and no. Most schools are changing to The AET which is online. However, there are still a few schools that still use the excel sheets.
For next class session:
- Make sure you review the syllabus and assignment handbook and come with specific questions. This will be your bellwork/Do Now for the day.
- Read the Adolescent Theories that you picked up on your way out the door today.
- Bring a digital devise (ipad, laptop) with wireless capability to explore The AET.
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