Thursday, August 28, 2014

Session Two: What are professional expectations?

After a great second session, we left class today equipped with the challenge of pushing ourselves and our students to ask the question "why?" and remain conscious of the status quo. Additionally, we identified reasons that we join organizations, mapped out the remainder of the course, and last but not least started our journey with AET! Let's challenge ourselves to use AET to it's fullest potential, feel free to contact any of us for fun ideas!

Ticket Out Responses Session 2:

  • What are we curious about?
    • Managing multiple project books in AET
      • Under "journal" at the top of the page after logging in,  click "develop your AET experiences" and then "add new." Once your experience is added, you can continue to enter more projects this way.
    • How to use the POA to recruit and retain students
      • When developing your POA implementation plan, one way to use it as a recruitment tool is to develop your standing committees in a way that is fun and inciting! For example, my implementation plan had very goofy name for each committee. Hold onto this question for our two sessions on POA. If you would like to take a look at my project, let me know!
    • If we develop that competition and championship attitude, how can we also cultivate an "other focused mentality"
      • Holy cow, this is a good question. I am hoping that Dr. Foster adds this thoughts to this one in the comments, but I would be happy to offer my personal feelings. If you are creating that "championship" mindset, why can't that include being champions of giving back? 
    • Why is adolescence viewed negatively?
    • How do you keep everyone involved in an organization?
      • We have a session dedicated to this in Decemeber!
    • Exploring the AET Website and my SAE journal
      • Make sure you check out the list provided in your assignment handbook to get a feeling of where to start!
    • AET Chapter website
      • This is available more so on the advisor features. Personally, I am hoping to get a feel for this as well. I should be people to add students for access to play around with the website. Any students who are interested, please contact me.
    •  Percentage of schools that use AET for record keeping.
      • I do not know if this number exists, but I can tell you that all states that have affiliation membership for ag education (meaning ALL ag ed students are also FFA members) have access to AET, including Pennsylvania. 
  • What did we learn?
    • There is a lot more to AET than recordbooks!
    • Info about AET
    • I learned why students want to join an organization
    • Academically you are considered an adolescent between 11-21 years old
    • How to use AET more efficiently
    • AET is awesome
  • What do we want to learn more about?
    • FFA
      • While we will be discussing this in 311, I think that AEE 100 might offer a lot more of what you are looking for. Check that out if you aren't already in the class!
    • Teacher/FFA website
      • See my response above. Once I play around with it, I should be able to start adding students who are interested in contributing
    • Recruitment tools for organizations
      • We have a session on this in December! But keep this in mind while planning out the four projects. What pieces can you add that make students want to be a part of it?
    • Using the AET calendar for class due dates
      • I can definitely add these in! :)

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